Aholi kambag’alligining konseptual yondashuvlari
Maqolada aholi kambag’alligining turli iqtisodiy maktab vakillarining konseptual yondashuvlari tadqiq etilgan, uni o’lchash mezonlari o’rganilgan, kambag’allik toifalari va sabablari bo’yicha tasniflandi hamda kambag’allarni aniqlashning konseptual modeli ishlab chiqilgan. Bu modelga ko’ra “ish bilan band kambag’allar” toifasi ajratilib, uni aniqlash hamda kamaytirish bo’yicha takliflar berilgan.
Kalit so'zlar:
ish bilan band kambag’allar, temir daftar, kam ta’minlanganlar, inson kapitali, ijtimoiy reyestr
Foydalanilgan manbalar:
1. Smith, A. (2011). A study of the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Litres;
2. Malthus, T. R. (2023). Experience of population law. Litres.
3. Spencer, G. (2014). Basic beginnings. Ripol Classic.
4. Proudhon, P. J. (1908). Poverty as an economic principle. M.: Mediator, (703).
5. Le Play, F. (2011). The basic constitution of the human race.
6. Rowntree, B.S. (1902). Poverty: A Study of Urban Life. McMillan.
7. Keynes, D. M. (1978). Keynes. J.M. General theory of employment, interest and money.
8. Friedman, M. (1994). Methodology of positive economic science (Doctoral dissertation, Thesis).
9. Veblen, T. B. (2007). Theory of business enterprise.
10. Hayek, F. A. (1999). Knowledge, competition and freedom. St. Petersburg: Pneuma, 288.
16. Atta Ullah, Saba Khan, Chen Pinglu, Income distribution and sustainable development nexus: Fostering poverty reduction and integrated sustainability amidst multi-dimensional regional integration, Sustainable Futures, Volume 7, 2024, 100159, ISSN 2666-1888,
17. Mehmet Zanbak, Sezer Soycan, Econometric analysis of factors affecting women's multidimensional poverty, Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 100, 2023, 102800, ISSN 0277-5395,
18. Emanuela Struffolino, Zachary Van Winkle, Gender and race differences in pathways out of in-work poverty in the US, Social Science Research, Volume 99, 2021, 102585, ISSN 0049-089X,
19. Abedullah, Shujaat farooq, Farah Naz, Developing strategy for rural transformation to alleviate poverty in Pakistan: Stylized facts from panel analysis, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Volume 22, Issue 12, 2023, Pages 3610-3623, ISSN 2095-3119,
20. Nurul Hidayah Chamhuri, Hafazah Abdul Karim, Hazlina Hamdan, Conceptual Framework of Urban Poverty Reduction: A Review of Literature, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 68, 2012, Pages 804-814, ISSN 1877-0428?
21. Janet A. Fisher, Genevieve Patenaude, Patrick Meir, Andrea J. Nightingale, Mark D.A. Rounsevell, Mathew Williams, Iain H. Woodhouse, Strengthening conceptual foundations: Analysing frameworks for ecosystem services and poverty alleviation research, Global Environmental Change, Volume 23, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 1098-1111, ISSN 0959-3780,
22. Janet A. Fisher, Genevieve Patenaude, Kalpana Giri, Kristina Lewis, Patrick Meir, Patricia Pinho, Mark D.A. Rounsevell, Mathew Williams,
23. Understanding the relationships between ecosystem services and poverty alleviation: A conceptual framework, Ecosystem Services, Volume 7, 2014, Pages 34-45, ISSN 2212-0416,
24. MOT: bez dostoynogo truda iskoreneniye niщyetы k 2030 godu mojet okazatsya nevozmojnыm // https://www.ilo.org/ru/resource/news/mot-bez-dostoynogo-truda-iskorenenie-nischety-k-2030-godu-mozhet-okazatsya
25. A.Dolmatova. Problema “rabotayuщix bednыx” v kontekste “koronakrizisa” v Rossii // https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_45616609_74596536.pdf
26. Kurbonov, S. (2021). Povыsheniye produktivnoy zanyatosti - prioritet snijeniya bednosti. Obщyestvo i innovasii, 2(9/S), 281–297. https://doi.org/10.47689/2181-1415-vol2-iss9/S-pp281-297
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