Change of professions and skills in the field of tourism under the influence of artificial intelligence

S.B.G’oyipnazarov, I.A.Bakiyeva, S.M.Kurbanbayeva


Last few years, Uzbekistan has been paying great attention to the development
of the tourism sector in the conditions of digital economy and AI. Because, today and in the
near future, the effectiveness of the tourism sector will depend mainly on digital technologies
and artificial intelligence. This study combines a set of approaches, including literature review,
analysis of related data as well as comparison with others countries to show the impact of AI
on the job market and required skills on tourism. The central point in this research paper is to
look through how Artificial Intelligence is reshaping tourism in terms of the skill
requirements, job hierarchy and the overall structure alongside with the current position of
Uzbekistan in this sector. Standardization, Metrology, and Certification Agency of Uzbekistan
(documented in the Ministry of Justice’s decree, account number 15, on May 22, 2021) are
changing on and off site work requirements and essential skills, reflecting these interventions
done by AI. Moreover, this research combines necessary data on the employment of workforce
as well as occupational distribution trends. Another significance in this paper is the availability
of real-time observation of labor demands and the changing face of skill sets taken from the
leading job platforms. This broad and in-depth approach can definitely help professionals who
are working or about to work in this sphere a clear picture of how AI is affecting all the way
from the bottom of the job hierarchy to the top.

Kalit so'zlar:

Occupations, Work requirements, impact of AI to qualifications, job platforms.

Foydalanilgan manbalar:

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