Article publishing procedure

Dear professors, researchers!

The scientific electronic journal "Labor Economics and Human Capital" of the Scientific School "Labor Economics and Human Capital" at the Tashkent State University of Economics accepts articles in electronic form.

You can send articles to at the "send article" address. Tel. +998 90 974 48 22.

The main requirements for scientific articles submitted to the scientific electronic journal "Labor Economics and Human Capital" are based on international standards in this area, as well as the standards of the recent PhD and DSc research system in Uzbekistan.

By setting such high standards, the magazine is tasked with closely assisting its authors in gradually adapting to international standards.

For additional questions, requests and suggestions, please contact the editorial office at or the specified phone number (+998909744822, +998712392813).

1. The topic of the scientific article presented by the author should correspond to one of the directions given in the "Journal categories" section of the scientific electronic journal "Labor Economics and Human Capital".

2. Articles are expected to have empirical research, case study, literature analysis and commentary, meta-analysis, theory, practice, methodology, professional scientific review and other descriptions.

3. The article should have the following specific items within the requirements of international standards (IMRaD regulatory requirements):

- Article Title (Title)

The topic of the article should be as concise as possible and should clearly express the research direction of the article.

- Author information

This section includes the author's name (with first and second name), place and position, academic degree and title, e-mail address and contact numbers.

- Article annotation (Abstract)

An article annotation is a section of no more than 50 words that summarizes the general content of the article. The annotation of the article is a summary of the author's scientific and practical contribution to the research problem, its relevance, the methodology used to reveal the research problem, the results of the research, the full content of the article. An annotation must be submitted in Uzbek, Russian and English.

- Key words

Keywords are main terms that describe the content and purpose of an article in the shortest possible time. In or search engine, it is recommended that each of the keywords be repeated an average of 5-10 times in the main text so that the article is easy and found on the very first pages. Keywords should be provided in Uzbek, Russian and English.

- Introduction

The introductory part mainly covers the research problem, its goals and objectives. This section explains the basis for the selection of the research topic, its relevance and scientific significance. In addition, a brief description of the research object is given in the introductory part. The content of the following components is also briefly explained in the introduction.

- Critical analysis of the literature on the subject (Literature review)

The analysis of the relevant literature is a part that shows that the author has knowledge and insights on the problem under study. Literature analysis means evaluating the scope of an existing intellectual area and creating a specific map based on it. Attempts at critical analysis of the literature enhance knowledge on the subject and help clarify research questions. In its essence, any research is based on previous knowledge created in the same field. Literature analysis is mainly based on the latest journal articles in the field and other types of information sources (articles on the topic can be found using the keywords

- Research Methodology

The research methodology is one of the most important parts of the research, it is the general map of the research being conducted, the research path and the mapping lines leading to the address (result). Research methodology Defining research philosophy and direction (deduction or induction), research design, ie master plan development leading to the solution of research problem, ways of obtaining information and research ethics required for research, selection of research object (sampling) ), decisions on the use of primary or secondary data sources, the problem posed on the basis of rational decision-making to determine the research strategy (observation, experiment, case study, questionnaire, ethnographic, archival research, etc.) means to pave the way to a clear solution.

- Analysis and results

The analytical part of the study analyzes the data collected using the pre-defined analysis methods (mathematical models, etc.) in the research methodology. In this case, only the results of the analysis method are expressed; the discussion of the findings is the task of the next part of the article.

- Discussion of research results

The results of the analytical part involve a comparison of the results and conclusions of the analysis of the literature on the topic and a discussion through personal opinions. In short, this section serves the purpose of interpreting the research results.

- Conclusions and Recommendations

Understanding of the research goals and objectives and finding answers to the research questions, general conclusions about the main results of the research and the overall research process, as well as suggestions and future research directions based on the same research form the basis of the article conclusions and recommendations.

- List of used literature (Reference)

This section publishes a list of all the literature used in the study. All references used in the article are recorded in this section in alphabetical order in the Harvard Form Requirements:

names of authors, (year), name of the book, address of publication (Russia, Uzbekistan, etc.), name of the publisher;

names of authors, (year), article title, journal title, edition, number, pages.

In addition to the above, the necessary applications (Appendix) and acknowledgment (Acknowledgement) may be included at the discretion of the author.

4. The text of the article is in Times New Roman, 14 kegels, it is recommended that the line spacing be 1 interval. A distance of 2 cm is left on all (right, left, top and bottom) pages of the article text. While the maximum size of an article is not limited, it is recommended that the minimum size be no less than 4-6 pages. The fact that the number of references used is at least 10-15 sources is an important condition for the quality of the article.

5. In the article, the names of the tables are given at the top, and the names of the drawings or figures are given at the bottom. Of course, the provision of tables, diagrams and pictures in the necessary places in the article serves as a source that improves the quality of the article.

6. The source of the tables, diagrams and pictures used in the article should be represented at the bottom of the page in the form of Harvard using the program "Snoska".

7. The links in the article are based on the requirements of the Harvard style:

For a single author's article (surname, year) - for example (Ahmedov, 2019);

For articles by two authors (Surname and Surname, year) - for example (Ahmedov and Sobirov, 2019);

For more than two authorial articles (Surname et al., Year) - for example (Ahmedov et al., 2019);

For several separate articles (Last name, year; Last name, year… (in alphabetical order)) - for example (Ahmedov, 2019; Sobirov, 2018;…)

8. Articles can be submitted in Uzbek, Russian or English.

Articles that do not meet the above requirements will not be considered by the editorial board.

Journal editorial.