Literature on the most relevant topics for today and the near future has been published

The books "Artificial intelligence-basis of sustainable development of the economy" by the founder and head of the scientific school of labor economics and human capital, academician of UZFA Abdurahmanov Kalandar Khodzhayevich, has been published in one of the prestigious publishing houses of Moscow. We congratulate Academician K. Khodjaevich and the scientific school team with this result.

This book examines the origin, development, theory and practice of artificial intelligence in detail. The impact of artificial intelligence on labor productivity, employment and wages is described. A separate chapter is devoted to adaptation of artificial intelligence to labor market changes, automation of work processes, management systems of human and intellectual capital.
Also, the theoretical and methodological foundations of the impact of artificial intelligence on educational processes are analyzed. The results of the application of artificial intelligence technologies in public administration, economy, transport, social spheres, healthcare and other industries have been expressed.