The scientific electronic journal “Labor Economics and Human Capital” of the scientific school “Labor Economics and Human Capital” at the Tashkent State Economic University begins accepting articles for the 4th issue of 2023.

Scientific electronic journal "Labor economics and human capital" of the scientific school "Labor economics and human capital" under the Tashkent State University of Economics begins accepting articles for the 4th issue of 2023.

Recommended directions for articles:

✅ development of the socio-economic sphere in the country, the composition of the labor force;
✅ support for employment of the population;
✅ the situation in the labor market and the changes taking place on it;
✅ demographic processes and migration;
✅ development of human capital and human development;
✅ reducing poverty;
✅ human resource management and entrepreneurship development.

Journal language: Uzbek, Russian and English
You can find the requirements for articles on the website.
You can send your articles to or through the website.
Editor's address: Tashkent city, Islam Karimov street, 49
For communication: +998998818698