Kalandar Abdurahmanov, the founder and head of the Scientific School of Labor Economics and Human Capital, published an article in "Strategic Decisions and Risk Management" journal!

The article "Singapore's Experience in Forming and Developing Human Capital and Social-Labor Relations" by Kalandar Abdurakhmanov, an academician of UzAS, professor, founder and head of the Scientific School of Labor Economics and Human Capital discusses Singapore's experience in forming and developing human capital and social-labor relations: the successful implementation of strategies in the areas of education, healthcare, and the development of social-labor relations in the country. Among the four major "economic tigers" in East Asia, Singapore undoubtedly takes the lead, and this leadership is confirmed by key economic indices and ratings. Singapore has consistently improved its economic indicators through the visionary policies of Lee Kuan Yew and strict adherence to these policies, anticipating challenges in many directions. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has identified six key directions for cooperation with Singapore in the near future, as presented in this article. There are significant prospects for collaboration in education, the development of information and telecommunications technologies, the financial and banking sectors, partnerships in the "smart nation" and "digital government" domains within "smart cities," digital public services, fintech, and artificial intelligence. Singapore has demonstrated that investments in human capital can yield significant returns, and it has shown that there are no limits to technological breakthroughs, offering valuable insights for the Republic of Uzbekistan.